JFF Plus: Online Festival, A Film Festival for You Film Lovers


bektisiblogger -  Who doesn’t like watching a film? In my opinion, most people like watching a film. The film presents an interesting stories. Film also can be a means of entertainment for someone.

For you film lovers, this year there is an online film festival, namely JFF Plus: Online Festival, a Japanese Film Festival that you can enjoy at home. JFF Plus: Online Festival is held in several countries, one of them is Indonesia. JFF Plus: Online Festival in Indonesia is schedule on 4-13 December 2020.

Image Source: https://watch.jff.jpf.go.jp/

There are so many films shown. There may be some films that you have never watched before. Of course, there are several genres, namely energy booster, sparkle of love and heartwarming story, thrilling experience, and cozy time with kids.

Then, how to access the JFF Plus: Online Festival? Very easy and of course free! Yeah it’s really exciting, right?

In this situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, you can still be enjoyed this film festival at home. You only need a smartphone or laptop and internet network.

Then you open a website page id.japanesefilmfest.org, then click the banner that says “Watch Now”. After that you’re directed to page JFF Plus-watch. Click “Create Account” if you don’t have an account yet, or “Sign In” if you already have an account.

After you have an account, you can watch many films according to schedule. Films are available for 24 hours from the schedule starting time. You will no longer be able to view films when they reach the 24 hour expiration limit.

So, make sure you don't miss your favorite film!

Image Source: https://watch.jff.jpf.go.jp/

*How to Enjoy JFF Plus: Online Festival*

Even though in the COVID-19 pandemic situation that requires us to stay at home, we must be able to enjoy this film festival with fun. So, how to enjoy it?

First, see the film schedule. Then, choose the film that you want to watch.

Second, prepare a smartphone or laptop and also internet network.

Finally, watch the film with snacks you like. And relax at home!

Very easy and exciting, right? So, don’t miss this film festival!

For further information, you can check JFF Indonesia's instagram on @indonesiajff.

Thank you! Arigatou gozaimasu! ありがとうございます!







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